Root to Rise



This is an unique opportunity to disconnect from the daily stresses of life and to connect with inner peace in the beautiful mountains of the Algarve. Profound practices like yoga, family constellations and breath work will help you to root down and grow. The surroundings are absolute magic with a tranquil energy in the lush nature. Enough time to be alone or to discover the algarve, while you are nurtured with the program, the facilitators and the food. Our experienced teachers will guide you inwards to release and to unwind. 

The retreat will help you on your way of sef-realization. The combination of daily yoga practice, family constellation and breathwork is very strong and beautiful.

Every(body) is welcome, come as you are.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Package includes:

  • 6 nights in the dreamy quinta
  • Daily Delicious vegan nurturing meals
  • Daily yoga practices variations of vinyasa, hatha, ying, yoga nidra 
  • Family constulation  
  • Conscious connected breath circle 
  • Sound healing
  • Hollistic life workshop 
  • Sacred practices, meditation, breathwork, embodied movement, cacao ceremony, esthetic dance
  • Lots of magic 

Not included:

  • Flights to/from Portugal 
  • Visa /C- related paperwork 
  • Optional airport transfer
  • Optional private Massage
  • Optional private breathwork 
  • Optional one on one sessions 





My name is Anna-Nora and I am a yoga teacher and for ever student. Yoga entered my life from a young age as my dad was studying Raja yoga. Whenever I would come with big questions, his anwer was always ‘practice yoga’. And slowly I found magic in the ancient practice. It was (and is) not an easy journey. It is the way to go inwards, sit with all the sensations and hold your own safe space. By opening the body, we open the heart and soul. 

My classes are about creating a loving relationship with yourself. From strong sweaty vinyasa’s to soft and calming ying and mediations, we do conscious movements for embodiment. My classes are inclusive with advanced sequences and with entry level. Every(body) is welcome. 

Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu – May all living beings live in happiness and freedom, and may all my words, thoughts and actions contribute to the happiness and freedom of all. 




Eduardo Terzidis is a yoga teacher, a permaculture teacher and consultant, a writer and a facilitator for healing and regenerative spaces. As an engineer, he wanted to help the world, yet he felt the need to “be out there”, learning and sharing with the very people who seek the same change he envisioned. At the core of his work is the understanding that global change needs to be carried from the inside out, recognising the intricate web of which we are part and being able to play our role in support of all life.




Kris yoga journey started in India where she had completed the 200 hours and 300 hours of Yoga teacher training. She is specialized in Hatha, Ashtanga-Vinyassa and Yin.

She discovered that yoga is the biggest gift to yourself and to others.

She has been working for many years as a pedagogical worker with a specialization in trauma healing in youth care. And she has been working as a mental and movement coach.




As a breath and systemic coach, I have discovered that breath work and systemic work beautifully complement each other. With a family constellation, you can become aware of possible entanglements

and loyalties with which you are (often unconsciously) connected to your parents and ancestors, and you can liberate yourself from these on a soul level. This creates space to be true to yourself so that you can live your

life to the fullest. With breathwork, you integrate this into your body and daily life.

Perfectionism, working very hard, and being especially nice and good, are sometimes persistent mechanisms to avoid the

pain we felt as children. In a conscious connected breathing session you can integrate these

patterns that are stuck in your body and transform them. A breath session with me means that I look with you to see where your possible entanglements and patterns are that you are

connected to and then transform them into an intention with which you will breathe.

Mirjam’s warm, natural, wise and connecting guidance made me feel effortlessly safe and connected.




‘Breathwork is the shortes path to enlightenment, that’s how it is!’

Wilna Eenkhoorn (Founder of De Adem en Bewustzijn Academie)

Hi, my name is Paul.

When breathwork came on my path, it made such a profound impression on me and changed the way I experience life in this present moment. 

I finished the practitioner and master NLP and Transpersonal Coaching and Counseling. Just as the Raja yoga teacher and master study and breath coach with De Adem en Bewustzijn Academie.

For a long time in life have I been looking for peace, understanding and joy. By practing conscious breath a process started to deal and cope with my anxieties, sadness and anger. This process allows me to feel peace, understanding and joy. It takes courage for all to face this proces.

Naturally, we all breathe. I coach you in your own process by creating a calm safe space with conscious breathing techniques and therefore you will feel the space to face your own process with courage.




Your healthy food specialist!
I am known for my wholefood vegan patisserie @madebymepatisserie and my passion for healthy and delicious everyday food inspiration. As a recipe developer I have worked on three cookbooks on healthy cooking @norafrench

When it comes to food I have a simple philosophy: If possible buy local and organic. Go out and investigate and know where your food comes from! And yes healthy food tastes better, is easy to prepare and looks delicious.

A healthy well being starts with you, because you are in control! Let’s take a look at your daily habits and you will see small changes can make a big difference.

I want to inspire yo help you remember what is really important in life: self love, health and social connection. Let’s improve our life by rethinking habits, having social interaction, moving our bodies and eating the right foods. A simple lifestyle with a focus to be present in the moment.

Explore what moves you

This week was has been so valuable to me, it was unforgettable. The yoga classes were so powerful on many different levels and the breathwork helpt me express unprocessed emotions. The location was an oasis and I could fully connect with stillness, yet it was super fun. I feel grateful.



It has truly been a gift! Beautiful place, beautiful people and beautiful practices!



Hi dear,

Don’t hesitate to connact us if you have any questions. We try to reply within 24 hours.